Conservative vs. Liberal Typologies

The text lists various typologies that differentiate policies on the basis of their effects on society and the
relationship among those involved in their formation. These include Constituent, Distributive, Regulatory, SelfRegulatory, and Redistributive Policies. Another typology used to categorize public policies is conservative vs
liberal. Briefly describe the characteristics of these two types of policies and provide some criminal justice
examples of each. Be sure to discuss the merits and limitations (pros/cons) of each example you give.
This is a short research paper (2-3 pages). You should use MS word and attach in the proper place. You
should include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference list. You should write in third person and there
should be no direct quotes. Do not count the title page and reference page in the page count. Please use
scholarly sources and submit in the proper place (below)

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