Creativity and innovation.

Part A:
• What is Creativity? What is Innovation? Contrast and compare creativity and innovation.
• Can Creativity be learned/taught/Developed? How so? Or if not, why not?
• What are critical success factors underlying successful individual creative thinking and living?
• What are the critical success factors underlying successful organizational design for a creative organization?
• Why do we need creative and innovative leadership? Or do we?
• What is the relationship between transformative leadership, creative leadership and agile leadership? How are they alike? How are they different?
• What is the connection between leadership/leadership style, organizational structures and design thinking? If any.
• Compare and contrast creative employees and agile learners and discuss their relevance to organizations.

Part B: (500 words)
• How has your thinking changed or deepened during the course?
• What 4 to 5 things were most personally relevant and useful?
• What you still want to learn?
• How have you applied what you have learned in this class?
• How will you use or apply the learning you’ve gained this term in the future?

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