Danger of a Single Story – Oceania

For this brief essay, you must have read Hau’ofa’s, Our Sea of Islands (attached pdf) and watched Adichie’s video, The Danger of a Single Story, (https://youtu.be/D9Ihs241zeg) from the reading for week 1, Exploring Oceania’s Seascapes and Landscapes. Take some time to review them before writing your essay.
For full credit, you must address the following guidelines:

  1. [4 points] In Our Sea of Islands, Epeli Hau’ofa presents and challenges the prevailing derogatory view of Oceania. He also admits, “Initially, I agreed wholeheartedly with this perspective, and I participated actively in its propagation.” Write one paragraph summarizing that belittling view that Hau’ofa describes in his essay.
  2. [4 points] In the video, The Danger of a Single Story, Adichie realized she had let a single story determine her opinion about a people and country when she went to Mexico. Write one paragraph summarizing the negative story Adichie had of someone in Mexico. After your summary, write about the similarities between these two experiences.
  3. [4 points] Adichie says, “The consequence of the single story is this…it robs people of dignity.” and “When we reject the single story…we regain a kind of paradise.” Write one paragraph reflecting on those two statements, applying them to your own personal or professional experiences. In this paragraph, address these questions: Have you ever had a ‘single story’ experience, either as the person about whom an incorrect opinion was formed based on a single story, or as the person forming a limited opinion of another person, a place, a culture, etc.? In what ways might these single stories be harmful and create misunderstandings? What can be done to reject the single story? How can we promote understanding of peoples and cultures of Oceania? If you’ve engaged in any activities that expand or change the stories and promote cross-cultural understanding, like cultural festivals or working with culture-based community groups, share some of those experiences.
  4. [3 points] Format your paper using the Chicago Manual of Style’s guidelines
    • Class papers will either include a title page or include the title on the first page of the text.
    o The title should be centered a third of the way down the page.

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