Data Analytics

Prompt: Scenario: You are working as a data scientist contracted to create visualizations for your state’s
government. The state government has asked you to develop three specific data visualization solutions. Please
note that you select any state available in the source data. The state budget office has asked for a PowerPoint
presentation to be given regarding storm activity with the goal of establishing a monetary reserve and
allocating stand-by emergency resources in areas where they are needed most within the state.
You will use the recommended visualization tools to create visualization styles appropriate for the different
audiences. Recommended tools include Tableau, Excel, and Power BI You will discuss and design visuals,
considering the recommended method of delivery for each audience.
To complete this assignment, your submission must address the following critical elements:
II. Data Visualization Strategy
A. For each audience, discuss the recommended platform/medium for delivery (e.g., PowerPoint, dashboard
tool, publication), with careful consideration of each audience. Discuss the details of how you plan to use each
platform in implementation.

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