Descartes argues that much of science is doubtful because it’s based on experiences which may only be dreams


In the First Meditation, Descartes argues that much of science is doubtful because it’s based on experiences which may only be dreams, and “there are never any sure signs by means of which being awake can be distinguished from being asleep” (7:19). Yet by the Sixth Meditation he asserts “a vast difference between the two,” which enables us to be “quite certain” — at least sometimes — that we are “not asleep but awake” (7:89-90). In a paper of four or five pages,

First explain how the so-called “dream argument” is used to introduce doubt about certain beliefs (and be sure to say which ones!);

Then say how these doubts are supposed to get resolved;

Finally, consider why they couldn’t be resolved in the first Meditation, but only in the sixth.

Avoid filler. Everything in the paper should support your answer to the question.

Keep it simple. Generally speaking, your essay should make sense to a person of average intelligence with little or no experience in philosophy.



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