Digestive Physiology

  1. Draw the stomach
    i. Diagram the chemical digestion of proteins in the stomach
    • Diagram the cells of the gastric pits and their secretory products
    • Diagram the contribution of the parietal cells maintaining stomach pH and the digestion of proteins
    • Diagram the contribution of the chief cells to the digestion of proteins
    • What hormone is released in response to increasing pH and small peptides?
    a. Diagram the cell that release the hormone
    b. Diagram that hormones effect on the ECL and parietal cell
    • Diagram the alkaline tide
  2. Draw the duodenum
    ii. Diagram the chemical digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the duodenum
    • Diagram the action of pancreatic enzymes involved in assisting chemical digestion in the duodenum
    • Diagram the action of the hormones involved in assisting chemical digestion in the duodenum (CCK; Secretin
    and GIP)
    • Diagram the action of enterokinase
    • Diagram the action of bile
    • Diagram the action of the brush border enzymes involved in digestion of disaccharides
  3. Diagram the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and lipids through the luminal surface of the simple columnar
    cells in the small intestine
    a. Diagram the apical transporters for glucose, galactose and fructose

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