Electric scooters in Egypt

The idea:
the business plan is about electric scooters in Egypt. the purpose of this business is to provides Egyptian
citizens an easier and fast way to move around and keep away from traffic.
Scooters can be unlocked through its an app by scanning the code on the scooter.
Scooters can be parked anywhere so anyone can find them when they need them.
To find a scooter, use the app and find the nearest one and unlock it via the app to start the ride
Scooters can’t be unlocked without paying on the app. the scooters includes GPS and the app will inform the company if a scooter is stolen or can’t be found on the map, also each scooter will have a number so if any scooter is missing the app will inform the company.
!Please follow the outline attached in documents! Please note in the financial part, you only need to show the income statement and profitability ratios. This means that you still need to apply the template.

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