Environmental studies and Forestry

You have 2 scientific papers and a journal article about Oil palm and deforestation. All of them with a different approach, but with the same goal.

Read all of them, and write an ” essay” focus on the goals of this assignment above. In your discussion think about if certification is the best option? Do your research about other options to preserve or restore these ecosystems.

The material to read is in the following links:

How did palm oil become such a problem (Links to an external site.)- and what can we do about it? By Michael Kodas. Ensia.
Oil Palm monoculture affecting Amazonian forest mammal fauna.Preview the document By Mendez-Oliveira et al. PloS One. 2017.
Effect of oil palm sustainability certification on deforestation and fire in Indonesia-2.pdfPreview the document By Carlson et al. PNAS 2017

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