Family Health Promo Plan

Family Health Promo Plan

Post has three asighnments

1: Genogram,Ecomap, Family Health Promo Plan

Conduct an assessment of a family and apply the nursing process to form a plan of care. Have at least three members in the household and at least one family member must have a health care need. The family can be of any type of structure (traditional or non-traditional). Conduct a genogram which demonstrates patterns of disorders that are prevalent in the family.Construct an ecomap. An ecomap is a representation of how the family connects to the outside world. Based on this information, select a family or community theory (refer to information in LEO classroom) and construct a plan of care based on this theory utilizing the nursing process.
Family genogram

2: Inspiring Growth and Academic Performance (iGAP) A School Based Mentoring Program

Order Description

Developing A School-Based Mentoring Curriculum for Military Connected Students.
Target audience are students scoring 25th -75th percentile in Reading and Math on the Terra Nova Performance

3:Nursing Concept with an emphasize on Roles

Incorporate one of the eight nursing role(s) and show how critical thinking and clinical reasoning are used to promote improved patient outcomes. Select an article to support your discussion board post, follow APA guidelines. Select one of the eight nursing roles to discuss: caregiver, advocate, critical thinker, teacher, communicator, manager/administrator/executive, researcher and rehabilitator.

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