Motivation in the workplace

Motivation in the workplace

The post has two asighnments

1: motivation in the workplace

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Low motivation in the workplace and narrow down the low motivation in the workplace with example and scholarly writing. introduction, heading, subheading, and Conclusion. Citation and References year 2000 and up. Highlight for me the workplace problem.

Refer to the workplace-based problem you identified in Week 1’s Learning Set.
• Present and discuss some of the major issues being encountered early on in your action research project.
• Refer to the story presented in Greenwood and Levin (2007) pages 80 -86, and reflect on the issues being encountered in your action research project as follows:
o What lessons as presented in this story can you apply to the type of problem identified in Week 1?
o How can an action research approach to your problem be best designed to incorporate collaboration and thought-action cycles as described by Greenwood and Levin?

2: Strength Finder Paper

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1. Prior to taking the assessment, review the thirty-four (34) themes and write down which of these themes you feel you
associate with the most?
2. After completing the StrengthsFinder assessment, what were the reported five (5) themes based on your assessment
results? List your five (5) themes.
3. Thinking about your five (5) themes, how would you use these themes to become a more effective leader or a change
4. As a public service professional and or a university student, how would you use your strengths assessment to
communicate and interact with your classmates or in the workforce?
5. Which of your Signature Themes do you anticipate using most in college?
6. Knowing your strengths as the leader is important. How important is it to know the strengths of followers? What
strategies might leaders use to gain this information?
7. After reviewing the themes outlined in the strengths finder book, are you able to identify any areas that you may need to
work on developing?

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