Fast food and happiness

Traditional path – Final paper: 5-7 pages double spaced traditional research paper on either: word count at least 1700
1) an area of interest relating to the topic of the course in which you write an insightful synthesis of literature (books or primary research literature, or online talks/webpages that are scientific in content; meaning NOT pop culture) that interests you, complete with references;
2) an analysis of your own questionnaire. This would be a paper in which you introduce a hypothesis or theory (“I propose that eating Oreos increases long term happiness”), collect data (“Ask everyone how they would feel after eating 1, 2, 5, 10, or 100 Oreos”), analyze the results (“How does feelings of happiness vary with Oreo consumption”) and make a conclusion (“Eating one or two Oreos can make a person feel better for a short while, but eating 100 can make them miserable and feeling sick. There seems to be an optimal number of Oreos to consume for short term pleasure.”) and discuss the results (“Doing something that is pleasurable may be best done in moderation and at the right time.”). (Btw, your real paper should be more meaningful than Oreos, but even with this silly example you could discuss the theory of a meaningful life in a deep manner.)

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