Graphical Abstract

Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract is a visual summary of the overall purpose or findings of the paper. It
helps quickly convey the main point of the paper to the reader through an image. The abstract image should be
one figure on a single page. Unlike other figures in your report, graphical abstracts are not a numbered figure,
do not have a written legend,and are not specifically called out in the body of the paper. You can draw/create
this image in powerpoint and copy and paste into word. It should be an original work, please do not copy and
paste pre-existing images as your graphical abstract. You may note and cite any portion adapted from another
reputable source’s ideas for your own use directly below the abstract image as needed.Typically,this is the last
section of your paper that you will construct.For example graphical abstract images, please see current online
journal articles, for example: Articles published in Cell:

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