Healthcare Delivery Blog

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the opportunity to review and discuss with your peers an area of
interest within
healthcare delivery that characterizes the importance of good health in the United States. This assignment
entails the review
of one peer-reviewed or scholarly article of your choosing in a blog format, the posting of three questions for
discussion, and
your response to at least one question from another student’s blog (preferably one that has not been previously
The completed assignment should include the following components:
Provide a summary of the article, and explain why this is an important issue.
Develop three questions with the following criteria in mind:
the contrast of the relationship between behavioral risk factors and social determinants of health,
an examination of the challenges and opportunities to improve inequality in vulnerable populations, and
one additional question of your choosing.
Include the reference for your chosen article, which must be peer-reviewed or scholarly, and include a link to
the article
within the reference.
Your initial blog posting should be at least 250 words in length. You should post as early as possible in order to
maximum time for discussion. Remember that the blog should be in a conversational format. Be sure to explain
technical terms, as this would be for the whole community to view, including those unfamiliar with your chosen
topic. Please
note that every question you write may not receive a response. You are responsible for encouraging and
facilitating any
discussions prompted by your blog post, and you must provide at least one response to each post to your blog.
Course Textbook(s)
Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Jonas & Kovner’s health care delivery in the United States
(11th ed.). New
York, NY: Springer.

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