• Section 1: Introduce your topic. Identify your disease. Provide a brief definition and etiology of, or pathogen involved with, the disease. (1 paragraph, roughly
4-5 sentences)
• Section 2: Characteristics of the Disease. Describe the pathogenesis, disease manifestation, symptoms, diagnosis, and impact of the disease on the
individual. Please note the short-term versus long-term impacts to this person, and what happens if the disease is poorly managed compared to if the
disease is treated adequately (3-4 paragraphs, roughly 4-5 sentences per paragraph).
• Section 3: Risk factors. Please describe the currently known risk factors (or exposures/determinants) for this disease. If none are known, is there an
indication that there is still a lot that needs to be determined about the factors leading to the disease? (1-2 paragraphs, roughly 4-5 sentences per paragraph)
• Section 4: Primordial Prevention. Please describe the current primordial public health prevention measures that are in place for the disease in 1 paragraph
of roughly 4-5 sentences. If you cannot find any primordial measures, please determine what you think would be a primordial preventative measure.
Challenge yourself. If you had all the resources in the world and logistics was not a concern, what do you think would be a primordial measure for your
disease topic? I will be looking for your thought process here, not necessarily the feasibility of your answer. Please describe in at least 1 paragraph of roughly
4-5 sentences.
• Section 5: Primary Prevention. Please describe the current primary public health prevention measures that are in place for the disease in at least 1
paragraph of roughly 4-5 sentences. If you can’t find any, again, please come up with what you think should be put in place if you had all the resources and
logistics in place.
• Section 6: Secondary Prevention, or Treatment. Please describe the current secondary public health prevention measures that are in place for the disease.
Another way to think of this is the ‘treatment’ of the disease once the disease sets in. How will these modalities help to treat the disease and enable as much
freedom of living as comfortably and productively as possible for someone with this condition? Will this treatment enable a ‘cure’ or reversal of the disease
process? How will this treatment or secondary prevention modality make the disease process from getting worse? Please answer in at least 1 paragraph of
roughly 4-5 sentences each.
• Section 7: Tertiary Prevention, or Treatment: Please describe the current tertiary prevention measures that are in place for the disease. As above, this can be
considered as ‘treatment.’ What would lead someone to be needing tertiary preventative care? What might have gone ‘wrong’ or was missed during the
secondary prevention modality? How will the tertiary preventative modalities help to treat the disease and enable as much freedom of living as comfortably
and productively as possible for someone with this condition? Will this treatment enable a ‘cure’ or reversal of the disease process? How will these
modalities make the disease process from getting worse? Please answer in at least 1 paragraph of roughly 4-5 sentences each.
• Section 8: Surveillance. Please list the surveillance efforts for the disease. You may consider exploring major reports national health reports such as
Healthy People 2020/2030, MMWR, BRFSS, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System ( Do you feel there are any
limitations with this reporting system? What would improve this method if you had unlimited resources or all necessary logistics? (At least 1 paragraph,
roughly 4-5 sentences per paragraph)
• Section 9: Emerging Research: Please note any current research that is exploring different dynamics about the disease process, risk factors, and/or
treatment modalities that may improve how this disease is prevented or controlled. You can use the article you selected/reviewed in Parts 2-3 of this project,
or you can select another/others that will help formulate your thoughts on this section. This is a section where correct referencing is of the utmost
importance (as with the rest of your paper). Make sure your reference is updated and aligns with the modalities discussed about a feasible article to
generalize to the rest of the public. If you find articles that point to the fact that no new thoughts about this disease are feasible at the current time, you can
simply note that in this section.
• Section 10: Interesting Fact (s). Please provide at least one, but no more than five, fact (s) that you found interesting about your disease that was not
addressed above.
• Section 11: Reference list: Again, your paper above should be in referenced format, such as APA formatting style. This last section should be your reference
list. Please refer back to Part 2 of this project for acceptable references.


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