How religious values form an important source of political beliefs and identities

  1. Noah Feldman writes: “Secularists must accept the fact that religious values form an important source of
    political beliefs and identities for the majority of Americans, while evangelicals need to acknowledge that
    separating the institutions of government from those of religion is essential for avoiding outright politicalreligious conflict. Taking these steps asks much of both sides, but it does not ask too much. In each case…the proposed shift follows a consistent internal logic…(which)aims to build on the common ground we already
    have, ground well trodden by our constitutional tradition…” Explain what Feldman means by this and analyze
    his argument indicating your agreement or disagreement and your reasons using material from the assigned
    readings to support your position. Provide examples and evidence to support your position.
  2. Wald and Calhoun-Brown conclude that “religion in politics is neither an unvarying source of good nor a
    consistent evil influence; the historical record…has shown that religion has the capacity both to ennoble and to
    corrupt political life.” Explain and analyze the basis of their conclusion indicating your agreement or
    disagreement and your reasons using material from the assigned readings to support your position. Provide
    examples and evidence to support your position.
  3. Madeleine Albright states that “to anticipate events rather than merely respond to them, American diplomats
    will need to…think more expansively about the role of religion in foreign policy and about their own need for
    expertise. They should develop the ability to recognize where and how religious belief contributes to conflicts
    and when religious principles might be invoked to ease strife. They should also reorient our foreign policy
    institutions to take fully into account the immense power of religion to influence how people think, feel, and act.”
    Explain and analyze this statement indicating your agreement or disagreement and your reasons using
    material from the assigned readings to support your position. Provide examples and evidence to support your
  4. Jim Wallis contends that “in a political and media culture that squeezes everything into only two options of
    left and right, religious people must refuse the ideological categorization and actually build bridges between
    people of goodwill in both liberal and conservative camps. We must insist on the deep connection between
    spirituality and politics while defending the proper boundaries between church and state that protect religious
    and nonreligious minorities and keep us safe from state-controlled religion. We can demonstrate our
    commitment to pluralistic democracy and support the rightful separation of church and state without
    segregating moral and spiritual values from our political life.” Explain and analyze this statement indicating your
    agreement or disagreement and your reasons using material from the assigned readings to support your
    position. Provide examples and evidence to support your position.
    Here are the books we used:
    Feldman, Noah. Divided by God: America’s Church-State Problem-And What We Should Do About It. Farrar,
    Straus, and Giroux, 2005.(Hardcover)
    Wald, Kenneth D., and Allison Calhoun Brown. Religion and Politics in the United States. Rowman and
    Littlefield, 2018.(Paperback). Eighth edition.

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