How water is distributed throughout the body

1. How is water distributed throughout the body? How does the body maintain fluid balance between extracellular and intracellular compartments? (In your discussion, explain the makeup of extracellular fluid plasma and interstitial fluid).

2. When water moves between extracellular and intracellular fluid; what causes this?

3. What are the insensible and sensible ways a person loses water?

4. Compare and contrast euhydration, hypohydration, and hyperhydration. Discuss the reasons athletes might attempt to be hypohydrated or hyperhydrated and the ways in which they achieve these states. What are the dangers associated with hypohydration and hyperhydration?

5. Compare and contrast the intake, physiological roles, and excretion of sodium and potassium.

6. Explain how exercise can affect water loss. In your discussion, include ways the environment, clothing, and training status affect sweat rate and water loss.

7. What affect does hypohydration (dehydration) have on core temperature and performance?
8. When an athlete exercises longer than 2 hours, what are some ways to replenish electrolyte loss?

9. What may happen as a result of rapid and large losses of fluid and sodium?
10. What are some ways to monitor hydration status?

11. Jim weighs 60 kg and wants to know how much fluid he needs prior to exercise. His urine color looks like #2 on the urine color chart on page 263. What would you tell him?

12. Erin weighs 50 kg and also wants to know how much fluid he needs prior to exercise. Her urine color looks like a #7 on the urine color chart on page 263. What would you tell her?

13. What is the general fluid recommendation during exercise?
14. Sam weighed 140# before exercise, and weighs 135# after exercise. How much fluid does he need to consume to replenish his fluid loss?
15. What are some other ways to get electrolytes and carbohydrates other than sports drinks?
16. What is the consequence of hyponatremia?


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