Jewish history

Jewish history

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1). Discuss two of the three “epistles of Maimonides,” comparing their basic subject matter, the manner of argumentation employed by Maimonides, his underlying
rationales, and (from what you can gather from these writings) his broader vision of Judaism. Feel free to make use of Hartman’s discussions of these texts, but do not
feel obligated to agree with him on all points.

Your essay should contain an argument (where you take a stance regarding the topic and seek to support it through the use of textual and historical evidence and
logical reasoning) encapsulated in a thesis-statement (usually a sentence or two appearing within the first paragraph, where you let the reader know what your paper
will assert).

Remember to reread portions of the text (or texts) that you find especially relevant, taking notes and underlining interesting passages before attempting to write your
paper. The texts are difficult and at times obscure, so it is perfectly legitimate to indicate that your interpretation is speculative rather than definitive. You
should write a rough draft, getting your thoughts onto paper without much concern about style, and a final draft that you carefully proofread and polish (rewriting is
the key to producing a quality paper). Please avoid “filler,” e.g., broad, cliched statements about Jewish history or other irrelevant generalities. Make each sentence
count. I would rather read a shorter paper without fluff than a longer one with it.

Only quote at length when you plan to offer a detailed analysis of the passage. When you quote a passage, remember to indicate in parentheses or footnotes where you
have taken it. If you get an idea from a book or article you have read, remember to cite the work in a footnote. Any footnote format that indicates author, title, and
year of publication is fine.

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