Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (1915)


Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (1915) can be read as a parable. What caused (multiple causes) Gregor Samsa’s bodily change into a beetle? What does the change of his body into a subhuman form signify? Why did Gregor feel dehumanized while working as a traveling salesman, and why did he feel obligated to stay in the job he disliked? What does Gregor’s concern right after his metamorphosis (“Just don’t stay in bed being useless” 755) say about his mental state as well as his sense of being “useful” to his family and in society? When does Gregor become an insignificant useless thing to his family? In what sense is his bodily degradation a symptomatic manifestation of alienation increasing in modern times? What caused him to death, and what do you make of his conscious suicide? Please provide at least two textual examples to prove and support your analysis (about 250-300 words).

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