Know Evil to Find Evil

Above is a link to an article where an ethical hacker describes the investigative process for an intrusion investigation. This brings up the idea that one must know evil to find evil. During this course, I have talked about how a forensic analyst would benefit from having knowledge of the crimes they are investigating. As an ethical hacker, one must know how to exploit a system, be aware of all the artifacts left behind, and know-how to create the desired result. The argument could be made that someone who is an ethical hacker would be a better forensic analyst when investigating intrusion incidents.

How would you use this model in relation to the types of investigations you are interested in? If you were interested in healthcare fraud, would become an expert in healthcare programs make you a better fraud investigator? If you were interested in financial fraud, would you become an accountant make you a better fraud investigator?

Reply to this discussion with some possible paths to help you know the evil you want to find. These paths could be in academia, real-world work experience, hobbies, or other certifications. Please provide some context to your path, a list of courses or jobs will not be sufficient. Provide an explanation of how you determined that your path is relevant to the evil you want to find.

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