Language culture and society

Sapir and Whorf (1956) brought attention to the relationship between language, thought, and culture. Neither of
them formally wrote the hypothesis nor supported it with empirical evidence. However, ever since they
introduced their work, researchers have examined the validity of the Hypothesis. In his introduction to Whorf’s
body of work, Carroll (1956) suggests a reason why so much attention and controversy surround the theory of
linguistic relativism. Carroll states, “Perhaps it is the suggestion that all one’s life one has been tricked, all
unaware, by the structure of language into a certain way of perceiving reality, with the implication that
awareness of this trickery will enable one to see the world with fresh insight” (Carroll, 1956, p. 27).
In this assignment you are asked to present the Hypothesis and your critical understanding of it, as follows:
A. Address the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis while shading light on its main theoretical aspects and versions.
Explain the Hypothesis and its significance while integrating at least three academic sources (see reading
material or other readings of your choice).
B. Present studies based the Hypothesis by focusing on either:
(1) Research on the relationship between language and time & space;
(2) Research on the relationship between language and cognitive processes/reasoning (other than perceptions
of time & space).
C. Express your opinion regarding the validity of the Hypothesis based on the presented research.
Pay attention to correct citing within the text and writing of references at the end of the paper.

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