Mission and vision – johns hopkins


For this discussion, you need to find a current example of a healthcare organization’s mission and vision statement (Johns Hopkins Medicine). You will
discuss how these statements are strategically supported by the organization. Address the following points:
What are the mission and vision statements?
How do the mission and vision statements differ?
Do you feel that these statements meet the definitions/criteria outlined in this week’s readings?
Are these statements missing important elements and should they be revised?
Tomasik (n.d.). The importance of aligning vision, mission, and strategy in fast-changing healthcare environments. Wharton Health Care Management
Alumni Association.
Johns Hopkins Statements:
Our Mission
The mission of Johns Hopkins Medicine is to improve the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education,
research and clinical care. Diverse and inclusive, Johns Hopkins Medicine educates medical students, scientists, health care professionals and the public;
conducts biomedical research; and provides patient-centered medicine to prevent, diagnose and treat human illness.
Our Vision
Johns Hopkins Medicine pushes the boundaries of discovery, transforms health care, advances medical education and creates hope for humanity.



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