Modern Ethics



Options – Choose one of the following assignments:

1. Begin with a question raised directly in one of the essays in Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments. You might start with an essay title (such as “How Should We Respond to ‘Evil?'”) or a question raised in the body of an essay (such as “…when, if ever, is it right to vote simply for the sake of your own self-interest?”). Write an essay addressing the moral question by arguing a position of your own. Research the topic and incorporate 3-4 credible sources (the essay in which the question is raised may be used as a source) to provide accurate information and reliable argumentative support.

2. The editors of Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments organize essays according to the subject matter (e.g. religion, government, violence, race, eating, etc. — see Table of Contents). Choose one of these subjects to explore in-depth. Write an essay incorporating three of the essays in that category. On your own, formulate a central ethical question related to your reading of the three essays. For example, you might read a selection of essays on “race” in our book and write an essay addressing the question, “Does the U.S. have a moral obligation to provide reparations to descendants of American slaves?” Incorporate the authors’ viewpoints into your essay and defend a position of your own. The three essays will satisfy your research requirement, but you can conduct additional research if necessary.

3. Using the essays in Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments as a model for your own thinking and writing, research a contemporary ethical issue and present an ethical argument of your own. Begin with a question: Are vaccine mandates ethical during a global pandemic? Does the United States have a moral responsibility to support Ukraine? etc. Write an essay incorporating 4-5 research sources that represent varying viewpoints and defend a position of your own. *Before starting your research, email your question to me for approval.

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