Modern theater

“Although we cannot say that the Italian Renaissance was Modern, the kind of stage–a raised Proscenium
stage, the introduction of
scene design and lighting and the way the audience sits directly in front of the stage is certainly a move toward
what became a Modern Indoor Theatre.Please read the introduction to The Modern Theatre Emerges ( pgs.
377-380-10th ed. and pgs. 357-360-9th ed.) The playwright Henrik Ibsen is considered the founder of Modern
Realistic Theare. Ibsen wrote about very controversial topics and the characters in his plays appeared to be
ordinary people. In the early 20th Century realistic plays were produced in Europe and the United States. The
sets for these plays looked like where ordinary people might live. These stage sets are sometimes called box
sets, realistic plays are always on a PROSCENIUM STAGE- Definition: pg.372, 10th ed. and pg. 340 9th ed.).
**Go To The Discussion Board –respond to topic about theatrical realism–include information about the set”
Excerpt From: Ally. “

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