Mythology Comparison

Choose two myths from the textbook on the same topic (for example two different apocalypses, two different creations, two different tricksters). You will then compare the two myths in the paper, both similarities and differences. Finally, please tell me what these myths (and their differences or similarities) tell you about the societies that made and told them. This IS similar to what you may have done in your first assignment, but you will have to spend more time on where the myths are similar and unique, and I do want to see you take a crack at what those differences (or similarities) could mean. As always, this is a major writing assignment, so please double-space your work and obviously, all the conventions of proper writing apply here, use spell check to help yourself and proofread your work to get even more help with it. If necessary, visit the writing center, this is a Gordon rule course so you need to write and spell correctly.

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