Netflix series Dirty Money

Watch episode 4 of the Netflix series Dirty Money (entitle Cartel Bank), directed by Kristi Jacobson (2018).
After watching the episode, you must analyze it from the perspectives of State Crimes, and Corruption (Green and Ward, 2004), White-Collar Crimes (Beirne, and Messerschmidt, 2011) and Corporate Crimes (Tombs, and Whyte, 2015). It’s important that you use and quote the readings. However, it’s also important that you do not summarize the texts or the episodes in your reflection essay (summarizing is not analyzing).Focus on reflecting on how “Dirty Money” can help us to understand Crime of Powerful, White-Collar Crimes and State Crimes and to connect theory and practices.

How are white collar-crimes represented in Dirty Money? How is corruption shown in the Series? How does the corporate crime perspective help us better understand the way in which the banking system works? What is the role of the state and state crimes in this episode? Could you formulate a different solution?

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