Nutrition counseling

Nutrition counseling

The post contains two asighnments

1: Nutrition counseling

Order Description

Stan is a 39-year-old state trooper meeting with you (the nutrition counselor) for the first time. During the involving phase of the interview you learn he is here for dietary/lifestyle modification as recommended by his primary care physician to lower his total cholesterol level. During the exploration-education phase you learn he has no prior medical history, smokes cigarettes socially, exercises moderate amounts and consumes a diet moderately high in sodium, saturated fat, alcohol and lacking in fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Per visual assessment, he appears well nourished, lean and muscular. Weight and height classify with a normal BMI of 24. He comments during the interview “I don’t understand how out of all people I have high cholesterol when I’m not fat and could run a 10k tomorrow no problem.” You respond, “I’m hearing that you’re frustrated,” to which Stan says “Yes, this was unexpected.” You proceed to say “Even at an acceptable weight, there are still factors that can contribute to health issues like diet quality, alcohol consumption and smoking. Your typical day indicates to me that you are not eating enough fiber due to the lack of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Increasing fiber intake can help decrease total cholesterol levels.” Stan responds, “I didn’t know that.” At this point you ask Stan to rate his readiness to make a food behavior change, importance for making this change and his confidence. On a scale of 1 (not ready) to 10 (ready) he rates his readiness as a 5. On a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (very important), he rates the importance to make this change as an 8. On a scale of 1(not confident at all) to 10 (very confident), he rates his confidence about succeeding in the change a 5.

As the nutrition counselor, assess his level of readiness to change and explain how to proceed, what specifically you will say, ask and do. Give specific examples of the questions you will ask and statements you will make (indicate types of questions and statements).

2: Looking Ahead

Order Description

Vision-Board PowerPoint Requirements
Create 9 Slides that represent his or her thoughts and ideas about the future; and, each slide must have (1) a single word as the heading and (2) a footnote paragraph explaining how the word represents his or her future. Put those 9 slides in a Vision-Board PowerPoint by including photos, embedded video links, quotes, and other creative vision-board ideas that reflect the individual’s vision of the future.

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