Parents Keep Child’s Gender Secret


1. Read the article, Parents Keep Child’s Gender Secret (Links to an external site.). It was published in 2011 by the Toronto Star about a Canadian family who refused to disclose their baby Storm’s sex, opting instead to raise it gender neutrally.
o What challenges does this couple face in raising a gender-neutral child?
o How do others ensure categorization, even if we reject the category for ourselves?
o What other categories shape how people think about and use their bodies?
2. Researchers have previously presented two different interpretations of the relationship between the body and culture.
o What are they? In the end, which interpretation do Orend and Gagné find the most support for?
o Are individuals with logo tattoos dupes or agents?
o What do the authors mean when they say that “consumers of corporate logo tattoos use these body modifications as an expression of pseudo-power and pseudo-resistance”?
o Why weren’t attempts to redefine the meanings underlying a logo more successful?

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