Penetration Testing

Discuss the role of security and penetration testers by defining concepts such as hacker, cracker, ethical hacker, and script kiddies- Include in your
discussion the classifications of ethical hackers and do you think that hacking can be an ethical occupation?
There have been several major cyber-attacks in the United States in the past few years- Choose one attack and explain two countermeasures that
would have helped prevent or deter those attacks-

To be effective, ethical hackers must know and understand the phases of attack- Choose one phase and describe how that phase fits into the
overall attack process- Support your answer With references-
Read the article located at the link below. Also listen to the video- After revieWing this information and based on the information in this week’s
reading, was Khalil Shreateh (the hacker that discovered the vulnerability) ethical in his actions? Now that Microsoft and Facebook are paying
bounties” for found vulnerabilities, do hackers have an open invitation to hack both Microsoft and Facebook? Explain your reasoning and support it
with references- httpilliwrw-usatoday-comlstory/cybenruth/2013/11/11[ethical-hatkerS-play-vitaI-rOIe-in-improving-security/3497427/

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