Peparing A Budget S


Prepare the budget in Excel using your project WBS.

There are many free budget templates and resources; two have been attached to
the assignment in the course. Use one of these resources rather than creating
something new.
Include two tabs in your Excel document: WBS and Budget.
Include a report name, your name, and date.
Use at least three levels with a minimum of five (5) Level 1 tasks, two (2) Level 2
tasks, with three (3) Level 3 tasks.
Continue to decompose the tasks/activities in your WBS until you have tasks
which are small enough to assign to an individual and accurate estimate the cost
of each activity.
Use the Excel math functions when you create your report, for instance,
Do not hide numbers in formulas, for instance, =sum(A3,330), where 330 is a


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