Personal data

Kindly fill in the following information:
-male – female

  • from 20-30 – from 30-40
    -from 40-50 – 50 or more
    Type of the job:
    -Administrative – doctor
    -technician – employee
    -Diploma – Bachelor
    -Master – Doctorate
    Experience in work:
    -From 3-5 years – from 5-10 years -10 years or more

Study section: In this part there is a set of questions related to the study axes. Please tick (√ ) the choice that fits.
Section A: job satisfaction among hospital employees.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Section I financial return from the job
The salary you earn is suitable compared to your hospital colleagues. 1
The salary you earn is proportional to the effort you put in 2
Motivation and rewards are associated with outstanding performance 3
The financial return I get from my job gives me a sense of satisfaction. 4
Section II relations with superiors and subordinates
My immediate superior treats me fairly and with respect 5
My line manager works to develop my performance and increase my work experience 6
My colleagues help me accomplish the tasks assigned to me 7
I feel that there is cooperation among colleagues in solving problems at work 8
Section III work policies and procedures
Hospital work procedures and policies are clear and appropriate 9
There is a commitment from the various units in the hospital to the approved procedures and work policies 10
The hospital’s procedures and policies are flexible 11
It gives you enough opportunities to participate in decision-making 12
Section IV Advantages, services and benefits
The hospital provides a variety of services to the workers that meet their needs 13
The hospital provides adequate assistance in case of emergency personal circumstances 14
The job you perform is comfortable and safe 15
The hospital provides me with adequate health services 16
Section V working conditions
The hospital is constantly improving its working environment 17
The hospital has modern laboratories and equipment 18
The working environment (air-conditioning, lighting, etc.) is comfortable and adequate 19
The hospital provides all the requirements that help in completing the work 20

Section B: Quality of health services.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Section I Tangible Aspects
The hospital has advanced technical medical equipment and devices 1
The staff appeared to be very clean and presentable 2
The hospital has a suitable interior design 3
The general appearance of the hospital is consistent with the nature of the services provided to patients 4
Section II reliability
The hospital suffices with its obligations that it promises to the beneficiaries 5
The hospital works to solve the problems facing patients 6
The hospital is keen to provide its services on schedule 7
The hospital maintains accurate and reliable medical records 8
Section III response
The hospital provides services to the patient quickly 9
The staff responds promptly to patients’ needs 10
There is constant cooperation of hospital staff with patients 11
The staff solve the patient’s problems very quickly 12
Section IV safety
The behavior of the hospital staff instills safety in the souls of patients 13
The hospital staff possesses high capabilities and skills 14
There is a continuous follow-up of the patient’s condition 15
The hospital administration provides sufficient support for the workers to carry out their work efficiently 16
Section V Empathy
The hospital pays appropriate attention to every patient 17
The hospital places the patient’s best interest first 18
Hospital staff feel the patient’s needs and problems 19
The behavior of the hospital staff is courteous in dealing with patients 20

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