Psuedocode word presentation

Create a message to be encrypted. The minimum length of the message is 2500 characters, and the program should be capable of handling a message of any length up to that number. It must check the length of the message and inform the user if it’s too long. Generate your selected encryption cypher and convert the message to the numerical equivalent. This must be done using loops.
Reshape the vector into a message matrix 50 x 50 using reshape command.
Display in the command window which of the cyphers you are using. Display the message to be encrypted and its numerical equivalent using display statements. It should read:
Import your image using imread(‘ ‘). Display the image in a figure window using imshow(‘ ‘) and title it “Original Image”
Define the position of row and column to insert the encoded numerical matrix. (Remember that the position cannot be more than the value of sum of size of image and the size of Encoded Matrix)
Embed the encoded message starting from the positions defined i.e., using loops, replace the pixels (numbers) of image with the encoded numerical matrix. (For example, the encoded numerical message is of size 50 x 50 and the positions to embed the message are row = 100 and col = 100. So the program should be capable of replacing all values of images from position (101,101) to (100+50,100+50))
Display the image in a new figure window and title it “Encoded Image”
Extract the encoded message from the image using the reverse of the process in step 5.
Change the numbers back to string values and display the string message

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