Quantitive statistics and data




Article (1 provided: “A Fresh Look at Paternity Leave: Why The Benefits Extend Beyond The Personal.” McKinsey & Company, McKinsey & Company, 20 Apr. 2021, https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/a-fresh-look-at-paternity-leave-why-the-benefits-extend-beyond-the-personal.)

8. Quantitive statistics and data required

9. Essay to include: Definition of paid paternity leave (for the sole purpose of taking care of children) and it’s difference from regular leave (earned leave to spend to take a break from work)

10. Description of current federal law for family time off – United States, Congress, The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. US Department of Labor , 1993.

Here is the draft abstract for guidance on direction of the paper:

As a woman in her 30s, I hope to be a mother in the next five years and, I wonder how much support I will have in the first weeks after child birth. I watched my sister give birth and her and her husband’s experiences of taking care of a newborn and it’s affects as her husband only had 2 weeks to help. The purpose of this paper is to provide readers the opportunity to see the positive benefits of paid paternity leave of American families in the home (less stress from extra expenses, from partnership of duties), it’s relation to the retention of employees at work (psychological benefits), and the current rate of corporations providing paternity leave in the United States compared to others around the world. This look on paternity leave includes studies from families whom have experienced this benefit vice those who couldn’t, journals on its mental health effects, articles on martial relationship outcomes, and statistics around the world. At the end of this paper, I hope an understanding is met and ultimately, readers are convinced paid paternity leave should be a given benefit standardized across the nation.

Suggestion: break down to psychological benefits, biological benefits, occupational benefits, relational benefits?

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