Risk Analysis & Synthesis

In this third part of the risk analysis project, you are going to author the risk analysis within the scope that you set and incorporate the references into a clearly written final report which you will also present via a recorded presentation. Follow these general instructions but understand that you are free to modify the script in whatever way you feel necessary to effectively conduct and communicate your analysis using the principles you’ve learned throughout the semester.
Introduce the subject of your risk analysis. While this will essentially be a restatement of the information
from part one where you established the scope, it should be polished to read like a finished report that you
would submit to your client which in this case, is me. You should consider the audience for your paper to be
senior management as that is typically who these assessments are routed to for an ultimate decision as that
is where the decision authority typically resides so what better way to practice your craft?
Your annotated bibliography that you completed in part two will be used as references throughout your paper, providing authoritative documentation to support your analysis. You may use any citation method you choose, but I would recommend using APA format as it is one of the more widely used and accepted for academic writing. While five sources were the minimum required for part two, my hope would be that as you flesh out your analysis, the list would grow. Regardless of the number, all sources must be included in the bibliography at the end of your paper.
You should provide a systems analysis that fully explains the environment and the success and failure scenarios in sufficient detail for the reader to fully understand the risk and its implications. A simple example would be the use of a password to control access to sensitive information; success would be the protection of the information, failure would be the compromise of the information. Implications would be considerably different if the information compromised was the batting averages of the Little League team you coach versus all of the account information for ten million credit card account holders.

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