Self Risk Assessment Guidelines

Self Risk Assessment Guidelines ;

The purpose of this application is to provide students an opportunity to assess on their own health status by utilizing the Leddy’s (2006) Theory of Healthiness, and develop strategies for improvement in their health status. This exercise will serve as a basis for utilizing this process with their client populations.
This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.
1.    The Self-Assessment of Risk Factors is worth 100 points and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
2.    Create your assignment using Microsoft Word. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in “.docx”
3.    Follow the directions and grading criteria closely.
4.    The length of the self-risk assessment is to be no less than 700 words and no greater than 1000 words excluding title page and reference page(s).
5.    APA format is required with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
a.    Leddy’s Healthiness Scale
b.    Interpretation of self assessment
c.    Identify interventions to improve health status
d.    Implications for clinical practice
e.    Conclusion

Category    Points    %    Description
Self Assessment utilizing Leddy’s Healthness Scale    10    10%    The student will fill out the Leddy Healthiness Scale found in the Appendix of the Leddy textbook. Scan the scale when completed for submission; make sure the score is calculated per the directions.
Utilization of Leddy’s Model for interpretation of self assessment    50    50%    According to Leddy (2006) one manifestation of a health pattern is healthiness, which is defined as a measurable process among perceived purpose, connections and power to achieve goals. The healthiness theory includes the dimension of meaningfulness, goals connectedness, challenge, confidence, capacity, choice, capability to function, and control. Analyze your own assessment, and identify the areas of strength and the areas on which to focus to improve your health.
Development of Interventions    20    20%    Based on the self assessment of your health status, identify interventions to improve your health status
Implications    10    10%    Identify how you can utilize Leddy’s Health Theory in your clinical practice
Clarity of writing    5    5%    Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure. No spelling errors or typographical errors. Organized around the required components using appropriate headers.
APA format    5    5%    All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in the manuscript and listed in the references using APA (6th ed.) format:
1.    Document setup
2.    Title and reference pages
3.    Citations in the text and references.
Total:    100
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric
Assignment Criteria     Meets Criteria    Partially Meets Criteria    Does Not Meet Criteria
Self Assessment utilizing Leddy’s Healthiness Scale
(10 pts)    Leddy’s Healthiness Scale is completed and scored properly and submitted. Rationale is well presented and purpose fully developed.
8 – 10 points    Leddy’s Healthiness Scale is partially completed and scored and submitted
5 – 7 points    Leddy’s Healthiness Scale is not completed or not scored or not submitted
0 – 4 points
Utilization of Leddy’s Healthiness Scale for the identification of personal strengths and weaknesses
(50 pts)    Excellent self-assessment of healthiness, strengths and weaknesses identified and supported with examples.
45 – 50 points    Basic self-assessment of healthiness, strengths and weaknesses identified and only partially supported with examples.
34 – 44 points    Little or very general self-assessment of
Healthiness, strengths and weaknesses identified and not supported with examples.
0 – 33 points
Development of interventions
(20 pts)    Excellent understanding and development of applicable interventions. Conclusions are well evidenced and fully developed.
25 – 30 points    Basic understanding and/or limited development of applicable interventions. Conclusions are partially evidenced and partially developed.
15 – 24 points    Little understanding and/or development of applicable interventions. Conclusions are poorly evidenced and/or poorly developed.
0 – 14 points
(10 points)    Identifies how you can utilize Leddy’s Health Theory in your clinical practice
8 – 10 points    Identifies how to utilize in clinical practice but does not utilize Leddy’s Health Theory
5 – 7 points    Misidentifies how to utilize in clinical practice
0 – 4 points
Clarity of writing
(5 pts)    Excellent use of standard English showing original thought. No spelling or grammar errors. Well organized with proper flow of meaning.
4 – 5 points    Some evidence of own expression and competent use of language. No more than three spelling or grammar errors. Well organized thoughts and concepts.
2 – 3 points    Language needs development. Four or more spelling and/or grammar errors. Poorly organized thoughts and concepts.
0 – 1 point
APA format
(5 pts)    APA format correct with no more than 1-2 minor errors.
4 – 5 points    3-5 errors in APA format and/or 1-2 citations are missing.
2 – 3 points    APA formatting contains multiple errors and/or several citations are missing.
0 – 1 point
Total Points Possible =    100      points

link for Leddy’s textbook (Integrative Health Promotion: Conceptual Bases for Nursing Practice, 2nd Edition) where you can access APPENDIX A Leddy Healthiness Scale:


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