Social psychological problems.

  1. Psychology 2330( social psychology) Learning Outcomes Addressed with the Scavenger Hunt Apply the social psychology concepts, theories, findings and issues to describe and explain aspects of their own lives, the lives of others and events in the broader social/cultural environment 2.
    Recognize practical applications of concepts, theories and findings to social psychological problems.
  2. you have to describe real world example picked from documentary, article, movies or etc. to explain the social psychology concept with your own interpretation rather than using other persons or third party interpretation for assignment. it should be of your only that how you think the particular concept apply and illustrate it.
    4.This activity is about you using your social psychology smarts and finding examples of these concepts in the real world. The point of the exercise is for you to find circumstances that represent the concept without a third party pointing it out to you. I gave leeway for the topic of longitudinal study design on this last activity but in general psychological studies are not permitted as a source. If you submit an assignment that references an example found in an article, documentary or book that talks about the example in relation to the social psychology concept you will lose marks. This activity is not about you recycling someone else’s analysis but you generating your own analysis. Other ways people lost marks: 1.
    Did not provide me with a source that had an electronic link.

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