Choose an area where an acupuncturist can start his/her own clinic and create a referral list that includes 6 facilities are practicing Western medicine. For the area, please choose Denver, Colorado. Also, please make sure to list two different specialty physicians instead of one so the total will be 6 facilities. Referral List Once you set up your own practice, you will need a good referral list. This list will include: 1. Hospitals 2. urgent care facilities 3. primary physicians 4. specialty physicians – cardiologist, GI specialist, Ob/Gyn, Dermatologist, Neurologist, Orthopedic Surgeons 5. Physical therapists, Chiropractors For this assignment, please create a referral list for your practice. This will be a document that you can post in your clinic so be creative in your presentation. Include: 1. the name of the facility/provider, 2. the office phone number 3. address/location 4. specialty and a brief description of why you chose them. o You will need to list 6 providers/facilities located in the area in which you plan to practice. Grading of this assignment will be as follows: o Real provider’s/facility’s name with correct spelling ? 30 pts (5 pts for each provider/facility) o Phone number ? 12 points (2 pts for each) o Address/Location ? 6 points (1 pt for each) o Specialty listed correctly ? 6 points (1 pt for each) o Presentation of information ? 6 ps Clear reason for choosing the provider ? 60 ps (10 pts for each provider/facility)