Steve McConnell’s address on Best Practices (and “Worst Practices”) in software engineering

The point here is that Steve McConnell originally addressed Best Practices (and “Worst Practices”) in software
engineering about 20 years ago in the mid-90s, … and about ten years later he revisited, revised, and updated
the articles based on 21st century data, trends, and practices (although that was now ten years ago…)
Browse the two articles addressing GOOD/BEST practices then compare and contrast the strategies/ideas
(think Three-Column-Chart, Venn-Diagram, or another concrete, simple way to document your understanding
of the similarities and differences between the 90s article and the updated version… notes and statements are
fine, this does NOT have to be a polished report/essay/thesis with paragraphs.)
Then do the exact same thing with the two articles addressing the POOR/WORST practices.
However, you DO need to summarize and synthesize your understanding with a detailed reflection statement
(ballpark 5-7 sentences) with connections to your prior learning and/or personal experiences in the field.
Turn these in as a single document/file.

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