Stress in IT project management field



Adopt a thematic narrative approach to refine the focus of our project for a comprehensive exploration of existing literature, facilitating the identification of key themes and gaps in research.Research Question:Our tentative research question is “How does work-related stress influence project success and the overall well-being of project managers within the IT field?”Content Overview ideas:The literature review will encompass the following key areas:Sustainable Project Management:Incorporate insights from Gilbert Silvius and Ron Schipper, focusing on the social aspect of sustainability in companies. Specifically, attention should be given to the checklist for integrating sustainability in projects and project management, with emphasis on labor practices and decent work – health and safery. (Referencing the uploaded pdf: Sustainability in Project Management , page 41)Stress of Project Managers:An exploration of existing research on the stress experienced by project managers should be conducted encompassing studies from various industries to provide a comprehensive understanding of stressors, coping mechanisms, and implications for project outcomes and project success.Stress of Project Managers in the IT Field:Given the unique nature of the IT field, with its rapid pace of technological change and dynamic project environments, we will specifically examine literature related to stress among project managers in IT. As this area may be less explored compared to other industries (such as construction), we aim to identify specific stressors and challenges faced by IT project managers.Theoretical Frameworks:In our research, we will delve into theories and frameworks such as Job Demand-Resource (JD-R) model, Organizational Support Theory (or Perceived Organizational Support Theory), and Agile Project Management. It would be nice to also mention if any of these have been used in other research in the field.


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