Studying hormones, homeostasis, and feedback loops. Let’s concentrate on glucose regulation



You’ve been studying hormones, homeostasis, and feedback loops. Let’s concentrate on glucose regulation. Diabetes is a very serious disease that is on the rise, particularly type 2 diabetes; not only in our own country, but around the world. Please visit this website and then discuss the questions below.

Can you draw on your own experiences or the experiences of someone you know to explain diabetes? What is hyperglycemia? Use the website above to explain how a patient can lower his or her blood glucose during hyperglycemia. There is a lot of information on this page. Please go beyond just giving the four or five main steps to control diabetes. Why do you think it is important to control diabetes to prevent hyperglycemia?

If you can, please include a discussion of your own experience with diabetes. Does someone you know suffer from this condition? How does he or she have to adjust his or her lifestyle?

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