Textile Manufacturing



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The textile industry drove groundbreaking scientific innovations. The flying shuttle was patented in 1733 by John Kay and became used around Lancashire when John’s son, Robert designed what is known as the drop box. The flying shuttle allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics and could be mechanized which allowed for automatic machine looms. Lewis Paul patented the roller spinning frame and flyer and bobbin system for drawing wool to an even thickness. In 1764 the spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves which was the first practical spinning frame with multiple spindles. Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule in 1779 which was a combination of the spinning jenny and water frame. With all these inventions, factory systems became the new way of organizing labor since these machines were too large to house in a worker’s house and were too expensive to be owned by the workers. With the creation of factories became more employment opportunities.

Steam Power:

Steam power powered factory work and made it possible for factories to be built away from water sources. Factories were now able to be built in cities which turned cities into industrial centers. The first steam-powered device was a water pump that supplied water wheels with power for textile machinery. The atmospheric engine pumped water and was used to drain mine workings at depths that could not have been done before. Steam engines made it possible for the transportation of goods without the need for a waterway.

Iron Making:

Iron was needed to make the railways tracks, steam locomotives, and the giant Watt steam engines that pumped the mines and provided energy to run factory machinery. Before 1860 steel was an expensive product. The problem of mass-producing cheap steel was solved in 1855 by Henry Bessemer. He created the Bessemer converter which turned into the Bessemer process.




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