The decline of union membership

The decline of union membership suggests the future of trade unions is bleak, and their contribution to shaping employment relations in the future is now limited if not lost” Discuss

Reading: • Dundon, T. (2011). Understanding Employment Relations. McGraw-Hill Education. Chapter 5. • Gennard, J & Judge, Graham (2011). Employee Relations. CIPD Publishing. Chapter 6. • Rose, E. (2008). Employment Relations. Pearson Education. Chapter 3. c< these are some reading might help in answering the questions also i will upload some articles might help as well. Please do include different perspective and examples to enhance the answer. And conclude with an opinion in where the trade union set in 21st century.
the structure in answering the question is very important: 1- Introduction & approach to the question. 2- Define Employment relations. 3- Defines what is trade union. 4- Answer the question (why the future of trade unions is bleak and what are the challenges that trade union face (recession? Zero-hour contract? Home care? Challenge of use in technology?)) what are the main roles of trade union and what they are actually doing which is not met with the employee relations (, trade union is always defensive? Clean the mess rather than working in the new ways regulations?) 5- Counter arguments presented- other organizations shape ER (Explain how and why) 6- Conclude with balanced view and related back to the questions.

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