The Girl Who Smiled Beads by Clemantine Wamariya



Review the topic below.

1. Clemantine has difficulty assimilating into the United States. Discuss why you think she struggles with this? Support your analysis with examples from the book.

This paper will include:

a. Introduction paragraph that includes a thesis sentence where you
state your position on the topic

b. Body paragraphs that support your thesis by:
1) following the 5 steps for developing a body paragraph;
2) including examples from the book to support your analysis.
*When using material from The Girl Who Smiled Beads be sure to cite the information properly. You will use MLA citation format as shown in The Little Seagull Handbook.

c. At least 2 direct quotes from the book that are cited using MLA format and properly incorporated into the paper

d. Conclusion paragraph that wraps up your discussion and leaves the
reader with something to think about

e. A Works Cited page following MLA format for book The Girl Who Smiled Beads

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