VERIZON company


State the name of the company (VERIZON is the company)
Provide a brief overview of the company you selected, including a description of its business operations.
State the current market price per share.
Part 2: Income statements (one to two paragraphs)

Summarize key trends in revenues, operating income, and net income over the last 3 years.
Part 3: Common size income statements (one paragraph)

Evaluate the trends in gross margin, operating income margin, and net profit margin over the past 3 years.
Part 4: Balance sheets (one to two paragraphs)

Summarize key trends in total assets, total current assets, total current liabilities, long-term debt, and total shareholders’ equity over the past 3 years.
Part 5: Common size balance sheets (one paragraph)

Evaluate the trends in total current assets as a percent (%) of total assets, total current liabilities as a percent (%) of total assets, long-term debt as percent (%) of total assets, and total shareholders’ equity as a percent (%) of total assets over the past 3 years.
Part 6: Cash flow (one paragraph)

Calculate simple cash flow for the past 3 years.
Show your calculations.
Summarize the trend in simple cash flow for the past 3 years.

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