Video Presentation

Writing is an art form, but for so many, pictures are essential for interpreting the art found in words and/or song. This project will merge the two worlds of Art and The Written Word. You may choose to interpret language through graphic art, music, good old-fashioned drawing, or any combination you see fit. I imagine while writing, you had a vision in mind. Choose one creative piece from your final portfolio. Imagine into existence, the images behind the words. For this project, you may make a collage, sketch, painting, power point presentation, etc, to showcase your vision. You may decide to incorporate music for this project as well. I want to see a mixture of the art of word and visual art. If you choose to make a physical collage or craft a painting, you will have to make a video recording of your presentation. If you choose to create a powerpoint, you must include a recording of your voice reading your chosen creative work. You may post your presentation under “Final Video Presentation” in the Week Five Folder. You should demonstrate what the creative work represents visually. Presentations should be 2-5 minutes
Present your work in the form of a live reading, officially referred to as “open mic.” You must present at least 2 original poems, one short story (or an excerpt from a longer story), one play, or one piece of experimental writing. You may post your presentation under “Final Video Presentation” in the Week Five Folder. Presentations should be 2-5 minutes.

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