World literature;Being Human

Being Human: Consider Oedipus’ attempts to outrun prophecy: what does Sophocles seem to be arguing, through the play, about human potential and limitations? Support your argument by discussing only events and lines from the play. Remember to quote and ci
Paper details:

Writing Format: All essays should be written in Times New Roman 12 point plain font. Essays are double spaced, include indented paragraphs with no extra space between paragraphs, and 1 inch margins on all (4) sides. Essays should be MLA formatted and submitted as MS Word documents/attachments. Write in the third person objective voice, and prove/illustrate points with quotes and paraphrases from your primary and secondary sources, followed by the corresponding in-text and Works Cited citation. Avoid the first and second person “I” and “you” subjective voice in college level scholarly writing. As a rule, keep quotes to 2-3 lines maximum in these relatively short papers, and no more than 10-15% of the total paper.

Technical Errors: Late papers will be penalized, as will papers with technical errors, superficial and/or careless grammatical or content errors. Technical errors (e.g., typographical mistakes, misspellings, sloppiness, sentence fragments, etc.) will result in grade penalties that become more severe as their frequency increases.

File Names: Please label and save all MS Word file attachments in the following manner: Your last name_Assignment Title (i.e., Smith_Paper # 1).

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