Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Summary of

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Summary of
Learning Meets “Proficient” criteria and
is exceptionally clear Summarizes how coursework
can be applied to real life and
how it relates to career goals Summarizes how coursework
can be applied to real life and
how it relates to career goals,
but lacks detail Does not summarize how
coursework can be applied to
real life and how it relates to
career goals 45
Thoroughness Paper contains organized ideas
using rich and significant detail;
supports ideas by referencing
course materials Paper contains organized ideas
using adequate detail; supports
ideas by referencing course
materials Paper contains loosely organized
ideas using vague detail;
references to course materials
are either vague or missing Paper contains disorganized
ideas that are unsupported by
course materials 45
(Mechanics) Paper is easily understood,
clear, and concise using proper
citation methods where
applicable with no errors in
citations and no major errors
related to grammar, spelling, or
syntax Paper is easily understood using
proper citation methods where
applicable with few errors in
citations and some minor errors
related to grammar, spelling, or
syntax Paper is understandable using
proper citation methods where
applicable with a number of
errors in citations and many
errors related to grammar,
spelling, or syntax Paper includes critical errors in
grammar, spelling, or syntax
that prevent understanding of
ideas 10
Earned Total 100%
HSE 101 Introduction to Human Services

• Write about the field of human services, its agencies, clients, trends that impact service delivery and about the code of ethics.
• Describe what you can apply to your everyday life.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit one page. Double-space your work and use 12-point Times New Roman font and APA style.

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