Intervention (Justice)


OPTION 1: For each of the following 3 levels of social action, outline a single concrete intervention into your focal injustice (1-2 pages each);
1. Awareness-raising / educational projects
2. Policy change (organization policy and/or law)
3. Mutual aid and/or direct action

OPTION 2: Pick only one level of intervention (of the 3 types), and submit a much more detailed proposal.

The intervention(s) you describe should be as concrete and specific as possible. For example, “end audism” or “end racism” is neither concrete or specific, but something like “allocate state education funding to train future doctors/teachers about the harms of language deprivation and/or bias” is.

Whichever option you choose, your proposal should:
• Briefly summarize what the focal injustice is and why it is important to address it (1 paragraph max)
• Explain the goals and methodologies of your proposed intervention(s):
o What specific aspect of the injustice is this intervention designed to target?
o Why this intervention in particular? (Why do you believe it will be effective?)
o What kinds of resources would be needed for this intervention?
o Who is the target audience? Whose support will it be necessary to ensure?

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