Marketing Evolvement

Marketing is continually changing, just as we are always changing, seeking new advances, reapplying old remedies to new situations, and making technological advances. Likewise, consumers are changing, as our environment changes.

I. Find out the following from all three but…Be as concise as possible!:

  1. Demographic information, including name, age, address, employment (some questions may not apply), religion, political affiliation, schooling.
  2. Psychographic information, including favorite music style or groups, favorite sport(s), favorite vacation location or activity, favorite auto or brand, favorite color, and strongest desire/wish/goal/or dream.
  3. Any culture/ethnicity related information they are willing to share.
  4. Major concerns or causes pertaining to lifestyle, living or global situation.
  5. What is their favorite new product or service (new in the last year or so), what product do they think has most changed our lives as a society in the last year or so?
  6. How do you think this product has changed or will change consumer behavior?

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