Storing the CSS rules

For assignment three, you will be adding CSS to your forms from assignment two. You are not allowed
to include any JavaScript with your submission. Use of bootstrap is NOT OK. This will come later. The
purpose of only adding CSS and nothing else is to focus on the style and look of your forms. When styling
your forms think about the presentation, the colors and layout. Colors used are very important (you will
be graded on this as well). The styling of the forms in Assignment three will be used in your final project.
The forms that will be styled are login.html, registration.html, and postimage.html.
When styling your forms, try to see that a lot of the styling for one page will and can be used for your
other forms. Because of this, we will be storing the CSS rules in a separate file and linking this file in our
HTML pages. This will allow for re-use of CSS rules across multiple pages. You may link your CSS files to
your HTML pages by adding the following to the head tag of each HTML page:

You will need to supply the correct file path for the href attribute.
The rel attribute is used to define the relationship with the linked file. We are saying the linked file is an
external CSS file. The type attribute tells the browser this is a CSS file. The href attribute stores the path
to the CSS file.
Please create a new branch in your repo named “assignment3”. This branch should be created off the
master branch. When the assignment is completed you will merge the assignment3 branch back onto
master. Please DO NOT delete branches when assignments are completed.
Make sure you are on the master branch of your repository.
git checkout master
While on the master branch, create a new branch named assignment3
git checkout -b assignment3
Students are required to style these three pages in CSS ONLY per the specifications below:
❖ Store CSS rules in a separate file. You may choose the name of the file.
❖ Style login.html – for users to log in
❖ Style registration.html – for guests to register accounts
❖ Style postimage.html – for registered users to post images
❖ Use little to no inline CSS. That is CSS stored in HTML files.
When you are done with the assignment please do the following:
❖ Save all work done.
❖ Commit all html and CSS files to the assignment3 branch.
❖ Push new commits to GitHub (these should be on the assignment3 branch NOT master or
❖ Verify the commits are pushed to GitHub by browsing your repo in your favorite browser.
❖ Once verified, merge all the work done from your assignment3 branch to master.
Your assignment we be graded on the following criteria’s:
❖ Styling: Color Scheme, Layout and Fonts used
❖ Correct usage of CSS id, class, etc.
❖ Amount of inline vs external CSS used. HINT: no inline should be used.
❖ Completion of all requirements.
❖ Completed merge from assignment3 branch to master branch.
GitHub Submission
When you have completed the assignment please commit all code to the assignment3 branch and the
merge the changes back into the master branch. You may use the following commands.
Committing Changes
git add .
git commit -m “some message”
git push origin master
Merge Changes into Master
While on the assignment3 branch, please verify all your changes are on GitHub. You can do this by going
to your repository on GitHub and browsing your repository looking for the files.
Once you have verified your changes are present on GitHub, switch to the master branch on your local
repository (this is on your computer). Once switched execute the following command:
git merge assignment3
This will most likely produce a fast-forward, meaning no new commits will be made. Once the merge is
completed, push the updated branch to GitHub with the following commands:
git push origin master

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