the history of western education during the medieval period

Topic: the history of western education during the medieval period

Order Description

Students will prepare a series of four journal article critiques during the course of the semester. The article must pertain to the history of Western education. This
assignment will require you to detail the strengths and weaknesses of the article, and how the author’s perspective is similar and different from other scholars in the
field. Your conclusions must be supported with relevant scholarly work. The article you critique must be a published article from a professional refereed journal
published no earlier than 2006. Conference papers, books, book chapters, news articles, or other publications that were not submitted through the peer review process
or do not pertain directly to the history of Western education are not acceptable and will receive no credit. Articles listed as assigned readings for this course are
also not suitable.

The text of your journal article review will be limited to 5-6 (no less than 5 and no more than 6) pages in length, double spaced. Use Times New Roman 12 point font
and one inch margins on the top, bottom and sides. A title page and references do not count as part of the page limit requirements. The text will be followed by a list
of references. Your citations and reference list must follow the sixth edition APA format. If you are uncertain about the APA format, refer to the Publication Manual
of the American Psychological Association, several copies are located in the library and it is advisable for all graduate students in education to have a copy of their

This assignment will involve your use of a clear writing style, paragraph structure, topic sentences and proper grammar and scholarly support. Effectively
communicating your thoughts is critical at this stage of your career, and it must be reflected in your written work. If English is not your primary language then I
encourage you to use the services of the University Writing Center to ensure that your writing adheres to high academic standards. Be sure to support your analysis
using the most authoritative sources in educational history, not merely the most convenient.
1- must free plagiarism
2- don’t use phoneWindows
3- when you finish send the artical

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